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EMuds, Aims and Methods


The objective of the model presented in this chapter is to provide an experimental platform for multi-agent systems that can be used as an abstraction for a network of computers. The concepts used to define this model are strongly inspired from the Internet games called Muds that were introduced in the previous chapter. Designing the system was done by separating structural elements such as space topologies and contents from the dynamics of the environments considered.

The resulting model gives an abstract description of virtual universes that can easily be implemented on computers [49]. These universes can either be seen as purely virtual structures or as a representation of real world problem domains. When used as an experimental testbed, an EMud environment will be implemented as a representation of a problem that must be solved by agents living in it. To the agents, on the other hand, the world acts as a purely imaginary structure in which they can perceive local properties and change them, and where they must adapt their behavior.

EMud Environment Model

An EMud is an application that manages environments called Worlds. The worlds define environmental structures and associated dynamics and thus provide experiment testbeds. I will define here the model used to describe a world.

Worlds can be described by separating structure and dynamics, structure consisting in the virtual physical components of the world and dynamics in the virtual physical laws that the structure obeys.


There are three main types of components in the world structure. These components globally define the world's topology and are called parts. The various parts, with the most important features in their implementation scheme, have been outlined on figure 6.1 at the end of this subsection.


Elements are the physical objects of the virtual world. The objects that have a substance and thus can be manipulated by other elements possessing adequate detector/effector (in a general sense) equipment. In comparison to the real world, elements are the car you drive, the glass you drink from, your cat and even yourself or other human beings. As seen from the preceding examples, elements encompass both the intuitively active and passive objects of the environment. Elements that can ``contain'' other elements are called containers and are a specialisation of elements.


Spaces are the places where parts dwell. They serve as a mean to regroup subworlds into zones and they provide a location for elements to exist in and sense their surroundings, as well as being the medium in which interaction can occur. Spaces come in two varieties: zones that allow to regroup other spaces into areas and loci which may hold elements. Within a locus, positions can also be defined when specification is necessary. A room is a locus in a zone and an inventory is a locus within a container. An important feature to note is the recursive nature of spaces: spaces may exist within spaces or elements. A typical real world example of this is the universe space containing our galaxy space or a room space containing crates that have internal space for contents. The default top-level space is a zone called the void that contains all other spaces.


Exits are the paths from locus to locus. The exits define the basic physical neighborhood relation over spaces. Although the virtual physical laws of an environment may define other neighborhood relations, the exits form the basic topology for the set of structural components. It is essential for any experiment to have at least this topological feature, even though some active elements might not be perceptually equipped to be aware of it.

Figure 6.1: Structural components of and EMud.



Elements within a world are given a set of perceptions (a sometimes empty set). These perceptions consist in information channels where events of a specific physical type or nature are recorded. The various perceptible events are propagated through the world's structure following rules of propagation defined by the actions that can cause them, these events are only communicated to the elements if they possess adequate perceptual channels, even if their position is ``within range''. Thus, shouting at a table (inactive, unperceptive virtual table of course) has no effect on the table element. Generally speaking, if an element is not perceptive to a specific type of physical event, that type of event can have no effect on the element's internal mechanisms (unless the event destroys the element, which then has no further effect on the element...). Of course, the existence of translator elements (comparable to radio receptors, magnifying glasses, etc.) is not excluded by this rule, but otherwise, such unperceived events can be considered as an epiphenomenon to the element in question.


Actions are the transformations that can be effected on the world's structure. They are considered as components of the world in the sense that elements may produce them and they are then stored until execution time. Typical actions are moving, picking up elements, emitting sound, etc. The events in the world that such actions generate may be delayed or have durable effect, depending on the action. To allow a variety of effects (such as temporary effects), actions may generate other actions. A temporary effect is obtained by an action that modifies the environment and then generates a new action (with appropriate delay) to set it back to its initial state. The set of all possible actions, with their internal applicability rules, defines the physical laws governing the virtual world. This can be understood by the fact that any transformation of the world must result from the application of an action. A component of the world that may generate actions is said to possess skills, that is, a skill is the basic description of how an action is to be generated. The set of skills of such a component is called its proficiency.

Control Algorithms

Control algorithms are the means by which elements may make decisions to commit actions in the world. As it was explained in the element section, elements can be either active or passive. By default, an element is passive, but it can be equipped with a control algorithm that allows it to interact with the world. Such an algorithm has access to both the perceptions and the internal state of the element and from this information, may generate actions to effect the environment. Any type of control algorithm may be fitted to an element and in fact, a human player connected to an element is considered as a control algorithm (whatever the connection method). A typical experiment world could contain elements driven by neural nets, genetic algorithms, expert systems and remote human players connected via telnet ports.


Time in the EMud is a global, discrete ordering of the occurrence of actions in the world. Since actions are executed sequentially, the order of their execution is well defined and can be divided into time slots. Every action has a positive integer execution delay that allows it to be scheduled in world. The temporal evolution of the environment is the sequence of environmental states taken before every time step. In this context, the scheduler is the entity that coordinates all actions in the world, it is through the scheduler that elements are prompted for action and in the scheduler that element actions are stored before the time of their execution (see figure 6.2 for an illustration of this mechanism).

The World

Together, the previous components form the EMud world, where elements ``live'' in the structure formed by spaces connected through exits. In this model, agents are implemented as elements with a control algorithm. These agents, following our perception/action agent model (see the section on autonomous agents), acquire information about the world through perception channels and use actions as effectors to modify this world.

Figure 6.2: Scheduling of an element's actions.

EMud environment definition

Environment definition is made by creating an appropriate set of structural definition files and dynamics definition files that are then loaded into the application at startup. A simple grammar based on name-value couples is used for writing the files and each couple represents a parameter of the environment in a hierarchical manner. The hierarchical decomposition is done through the use of complex values for certain parameter names. Typically, an element is described as an ELEMENT name with complex value consisting in the various parameters defining an element. Within this complex value, a parameter named LOCATION would have a simple value that is the integer identifier of the element's location in the EMud environment. Examples of complex values are those associated with part descriptions, element attributes or element proficiencies. Examples of simple values are those associated with description names, exit lengths or space sizes (see figure 6.1).

An environment will usually consist in many such definition files, the minimal environment having one each of the default space, element and exit files. When creating a more complex environment, the configuration files may be structured into any number of environment areas, with space, element and exit files for each area, along with one area description file. Since the world is structured into sub-spaces thanks to the use of the space parts, building an extension to an environment is done by adding a new space called a zone. The new rooms to be added are then situated in this zone, delimiting the newly built area. Elements and exits added in rooms of this zone are also marked with their current zone identifier. For each zone, a separate set of definition files is used. When the EMud is running, the current state of the mud can be saved into these environment definition files and when the mud shuts down, this operation is automatically launched. Thus continuity of the world can be established by starting up the mud from a previously saved state and a study of the world's evolution can access successive states of the world in these various files.

Control algorithm states are also stored in a similar fashion as environment description files, but the current implementation of the model does not yet provide a way of defining new control algorithms for the EMud without touching the code of the application. The EMud actions are also only modifiable at this time by transforming the EMud application.

In an EMud, all parts are uniquely distinguished by a part identifier that specifies their zone membership , their type identifier (whether the part is a room, an exit, a player or another part type), and their personal identity within these subsets of parts. This constraint of unicity limits the maximal size of an EMud world to 254 zones, each containing a maximum of 220 parts of each type (about a million). Obviously, this limit is not too restrictive and I believe the processing power of current computers is more the limiting factor at the moment. I have currently implemented seven zones for demonstration and experimental purposes, altogether containing about 300 parts among which twenty are active and controlled by elementary control algorithms. In this configuration, no delays at runtime are perceptible, but the use of complex control algorithms, such as an XCS classifier system with a population of classifiers over 1000, does slow down the environment slightly. It should be noted that, since its complete rewriting in a project in collaboration with A. Soupper, the application has become very stable, running for several weeks without interruption.

Conclusions for the Model

The EMud environment model provides support for multi-agent system experimentation. Special attention has been devoted to allow adaptive agents to evolve in incrementally complex environments. To fulfill this goal, it is possible to build environments in steps of increasing complexity along the three distinct directions described below; from pure simulation, towards real-world modelling.

Rich Structures

The model uses high-level descriptions of environments through the use of three basic building blocks: elements, spaces and exits. This allows virtual environments such as those found in the typical artificial life experiments to be built. For example the Santa Fe trail or the Woods experiments can be reproduced by using sets of interconnected rooms containing pheromone or food elements. On the other hand, abstractions of the real-world can be achieved with the same building blocks, for example by mapping a building layout on the rooms/elements/exits framework, identifying offices to rooms, doors and stairways to exits, interior equipment to elements. Since the number of such components can be very large, a lot of detail can be used for these descriptions.

Complex Dynamics

As the elements of an EMud can be given active properties and the actions available to elements can be customized, the laws of evolution of an environment can be closely tailored to the desired simulation. Elements reacting to specific environmental conditions can be used and even hidden in the environment, so as to simulate atmospheric conditions for example.

Basic Unpredictibility

With the possibility of linking elements of the EMud environments with real-world objects (most often human actors), the basic unpredictibility of the real-world can be introduced into environments and used to modify them dynamically. This allows to build environments that might bridge the gap between simulation and real world experimentation.

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Antony Robert